Code of Coaching Ethics
At McKool Coaching LLC, we strive to provide ethical, respectful, and inclusive services. The following Code of Coaching Ethics describes our coaching values, ethical principles, and ethical standards of behavior in regards to the relationship between McKool Coaching LLC (“Coach”) and customers (“Client”).
Coaching Consultations
Coaching consultations allow both the client and coach to determine if the coaching program or package is a good fit to help achieve the client’s goals.
Coaching consultation fees are non-refundable and clients are not obligated to enroll in coaching services if they participate in a consultation call.
Coaching consults aim to provide information about the scope and limitations of coaching services, the time and financial commitments, the logistical requirements, and confidentiality policies before enrolling in coaching services.
Clients have the right to make an informed, independent, and confident decision about enrolling in coaching services without pressure or coercion.
If during the coaching consultation, the coach determines the client is not a good fit for the coaching program for any reason, the coach will communicate that directly to the client and they will not be enrolled in the program.
Coaching Scope
Coaching is not appropriate for, and does not provide, mental health diagnosis and/or treatment. If the coach believes during a consultation or at any time during a coaching relationship that professional mental health services are needed for a client, the coach will communicate that directly to the client and refer out as needed.
Coaching services can be provided in conjunction with professional mental health services (e.g., therapy). If the coach believes coaching is not appropriate even in conjunction with other mental health services, they will inform the client during the coaching consultation or the coaching program and cease any existing services being provided.
Coaching services provided focus on reducing stress and burnout and do not provide job search services such as reviewing resumes, editing cover letters, or mock interviews.
Coaching services provided teach clients how to reduce their stress and burnout through cognitive and somatic approaches to change and do not tell clients what decisions or actions to take.
Coaching services provided help clients create self-empowerment, self-trust, and confidence to achieve and maintain changes and do not aim to create a reliance on coaching services.
Coaching services aim to provide a duration of coaching that is appropriate to achieve the client’s goals and changes, however, the duration of coaching needed to achieve client goals vary from person to person, and it is not guaranteed clients will have achieved their goals by the end of the agreed upon coaching services.
Coaching Program(s)
All clients will receive high-quality coaching regardless of the duration of the program or the amount or form of agreed compensation.
Throughout a coaching program, clients will have the opportunity to reflect on their growth and progress and make any changes to their program goals.
Clients may be provided additional resources, whether created internally or from an external source, to help them achieve their program goals.
Clients have the right to terminate coaching services for any reason and at any point during the program. Please see our Fulfillment & Refund Policy for more details.
Coaching Sessions
Coaching sessions are consent-based. The client determines the coaching topic for each session and can change their decision at any time during a session. At the request of the client, the coach can help provide options for coaching topics during a session, however, the client always makes the final determination of what they would like to work on in the session.
Coaching consent is explained to the client either on the consultation, program welcome video, or the first coaching call.
Clients are never judged or critiqued for their thoughts, feelings, actions, or decisions discussed in coaching sessions.
Coaching sessions are centered on client goals and aim to create self-trust and confidence to make the changes they identify are needed and/or desired to achieve goals.
Coaching questions asked during the session are to further explore the client’s thought process, experiences, or challenges to help increase awareness and identify areas for change.
The coach does not provide personal opinions or tell the client what decisions to make or actions to take during a coaching session. Only professional feedback is provided to a client during a coaching session to achieve the following aims:
To help, encourage, or join the client in celebrating their growth and progress.
To normalize, create understanding, or compassion for client experiences.
To provide guidance and support to achieve their desired changes and goals.
If a client shows any indicators of distress during a session, the coach will check in about consent and options to alter the coaching session if desired or necessary.
Coach’s Responsibility
The coach recognizes their limitations or circumstances that may conflict with, interfere, or negatively impact coaching services or client relationships and will take necessary actions to address the situation, which may include terminating coaching services.
The coach will regularly assess the needs of clients and provide recommendations for changes if there are indicators that the client’s needs may have changed, which may include providing additional resources, recommending another coach, or referring to a mental health professional.
The coach will terminate coaching services if they believe the client requires different professional services that are beyond the scope of the coach's skills, abilities, training, or program.
The coach will maintain awareness and intentionally manage any power or status differences that exist between themselves and a client to minimize their impact on the coaching services, coaching relationship, or client results.
The coach will maintain awareness and intentionally manage any cultural, relational, psychological or contextual issues that may negatively impact the coaching services, coaching relationship, or client results.
The coach will maintain awareness and address any unconscious bias, discrimination, or inequitable practices and policies to ensure all clients receive fair, equitable, respectful, and inclusive services.
The coach will engage in ongoing professional development activities (e.g., training, certifications, etc.) to increase their knowledge and skills in coaching.
The coach will engage in ongoing professional development activities (e.g., training, certifications, etc.) to increase their self-awareness and take corrective action for any unconscious bias.
The coach will evaluate the quality, relevance, and scope of the coaching through periodic client or former client feedback to improve my services.
All personally identifiable information provided by clients during coaching programs will remain confidential unless the release of information is required by law or it is required to disclose information to the authorities due to a safety concern.
Client Testimonials
Highlighting the experiences of those who have completed provided services is helpful for other prospective client’s to better understand how services may or may not be right for them. Below are the ways the coach will and will not be use former client experiences in marketing and sales.
Client quotes and experiences used in marketing and sales activities will only be used when the client has given a formal testimonial.
Any direct quotes used will state the client’s name, and at times include their position title, unless otherwise requested or unless the testimonial is provided on another platform (e.g.,LinkedIn Services Page).
Direct quotes may be shortened to accommodate marketing activities and will be used in emails, websites, social media, and other promotional platforms.
For clients who consent to provide a testimonial, their coaching experience, challenge, or success may be generalized and used in marketing materials, but it will not be attributed to the specific person or include identifiable information (e.g., name of employer).
Clients who have provided a testimonial may withdraw their consent at any time and their direct quotes or experiences will immediately be removed from existing or future marketing materials.
Marketing materials will not use quotes or generalized coaching experiences, challenges, or successes related to any clients who have not provided consent to a formal testimonial.
If you have any questions, feedback or comments about the Code of Coaching Ethics, please email us